Welcome Sendak Fifth Grade
Contact Information
Maurice Sendak Elementary School
Phone: (818) 509-3400 Email your teacher at:
Mrs. Garacia: [email protected]
Mrs. Miller: [email protected]
Mrs. Muraj: [email protected]
Mrs. Harman: [email protected]
Mr. Wilcox: [email protected]
Continuity of Learning Teacher office hours are times your teachers will be available to communicate with students and parents by phone, email, schoology, and zoom. If you have questions or concerns and cannot contact your teacher at the scheduled times you may email or your teacher and we will do our best to accommodate you. Thank you for your support and patience as we navigate online home learning.
Weekly Office Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday's from 12pm to 1pm
Teachers will contact parents via text message. Parents must sign up for class dojo. This will be another way you can contact your teacher.
Students will work a minimum of 3 hours daily Monday-Friday online.
Students should be completing work as scheduled in the Homework tab of this website or assignments (packets, projects or online) that your teacher has assigned.
Teachers will have weekly contact with students and provide feedback on assignments.
If students do not meet via zoom or other means with their teacher weekly, parents will be notified by school staff to arrange some means of weekly communication with parents and students.
Thank you for your continued support during these difficult times. Keep learning, we believe in you!
Maurice Sendak Elementary School
Phone: (818) 509-3400 Email your teacher at:
Mrs. Garacia: [email protected]
Mrs. Miller: [email protected]
Mrs. Muraj: [email protected]
Mrs. Harman: [email protected]
Mr. Wilcox: [email protected]
Continuity of Learning Teacher office hours are times your teachers will be available to communicate with students and parents by phone, email, schoology, and zoom. If you have questions or concerns and cannot contact your teacher at the scheduled times you may email or your teacher and we will do our best to accommodate you. Thank you for your support and patience as we navigate online home learning.
Weekly Office Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday's from 12pm to 1pm
Teachers will contact parents via text message. Parents must sign up for class dojo. This will be another way you can contact your teacher.
Students will work a minimum of 3 hours daily Monday-Friday online.
Students should be completing work as scheduled in the Homework tab of this website or assignments (packets, projects or online) that your teacher has assigned.
Teachers will have weekly contact with students and provide feedback on assignments.
If students do not meet via zoom or other means with their teacher weekly, parents will be notified by school staff to arrange some means of weekly communication with parents and students.
Thank you for your continued support during these difficult times. Keep learning, we believe in you!
Video's in English and Spanish Explaining Common Core
Family Resource Center Info (213) 443-1300
40 Resource centers should open for child care and meals for those with the greatest need
This time is not a time to gather and visit with friends, it is a time for SOCIAL DISTANCING and trying to remain healthy so we slow the spread of this virus. Parents can follow recommendations from the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
for prevention and general health practices (example regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and keeping at lease 6 feet away from people of you do go out into public.) Closing schools is in the interest of public health and safety.
Stay safe and healthy and try to keep your distance from others. Keep learning!!! I believe you can learn and grow while we are apart. If you need to contact me remember to email or use google classroom for questions or concerns. Take Care my kiddos!
[email protected]
40 Resource centers should open for child care and meals for those with the greatest need
This time is not a time to gather and visit with friends, it is a time for SOCIAL DISTANCING and trying to remain healthy so we slow the spread of this virus. Parents can follow recommendations from the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
for prevention and general health practices (example regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and keeping at lease 6 feet away from people of you do go out into public.) Closing schools is in the interest of public health and safety.
Stay safe and healthy and try to keep your distance from others. Keep learning!!! I believe you can learn and grow while we are apart. If you need to contact me remember to email or use google classroom for questions or concerns. Take Care my kiddos!
[email protected]
Daily Schedule
Remember to turn in your homework daily!
Continuity School Closure Suggested Schedule
8:00 - 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 - 9:00 Daily Morning Work
9:00 - 10:00 Math Worksheets/Online Math Site
10:00 - 11:00 Break, stretch get some fresh air
11:00 - 12:00 Language Arts, Grammar, Spelling (online assignment)
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 1:15 Reading (use online site or epic online for chapter book reading)
1:15 - 1:35 Science/Social Studies (online video/projects)
2:05 - 2:25 P.E. (exercise using Fitness gram videos or go noodle)
8:00 - 8:15 Breakfast in the classroom
8:15 - 9:00 ELD
9:15 - 10:25 Math
10:25 - 10:45 Recess
10:45 - 11:50 WIN Time
11:50 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 1:40 Language Arts
1:40 - 2:05 Science/Social Studies
2:05 - 2:25 P.E.
Special Schedule:
Monday PE 2:00-2:25
Wednesday 9:00-9:30 Music; 9:50-10:25 Library; PE 2:00-2:25
Thursday PE 2:00-2:25
Friday; PE 2:00-2:25
8:00 - 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 - 9:00 Daily Morning Work
9:00 - 10:00 Math Worksheets/Online Math Site
10:00 - 11:00 Break, stretch get some fresh air
11:00 - 12:00 Language Arts, Grammar, Spelling (online assignment)
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 1:15 Reading (use online site or epic online for chapter book reading)
1:15 - 1:35 Science/Social Studies (online video/projects)
2:05 - 2:25 P.E. (exercise using Fitness gram videos or go noodle)
8:00 - 8:15 Breakfast in the classroom
8:15 - 9:00 ELD
9:15 - 10:25 Math
10:25 - 10:45 Recess
10:45 - 11:50 WIN Time
11:50 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 1:40 Language Arts
1:40 - 2:05 Science/Social Studies
2:05 - 2:25 P.E.
Special Schedule:
Monday PE 2:00-2:25
Wednesday 9:00-9:30 Music; 9:50-10:25 Library; PE 2:00-2:25
Thursday PE 2:00-2:25
Friday; PE 2:00-2:25
Upcoming events in our class:
Important Dates
Schools are closed until further notice.
Student Success Awards ................................................................ TBD
Congratulations to the following students:
Student of the Month: Luz Garcia
Citizenship: Jocelyn Salazar
Most Improved: Jason Martinez
Congratulations to our class for winning the 5th grade trophy with 98% perfect attendance!
Keep up the great work Sendak Scholars!
Important Dates
Schools are closed until further notice.
Student Success Awards ................................................................ TBD
Congratulations to the following students:
Student of the Month: Luz Garcia
Citizenship: Jocelyn Salazar
Most Improved: Jason Martinez
Congratulations to our class for winning the 5th grade trophy with 98% perfect attendance!
Keep up the great work Sendak Scholars!
Click on the link above (LAUSD AUP) to download the photo/personal information release form so that student work/photos can be posted to our classroom site. This is not mandatory. If you do not wish to share your child's photos or classwork online do not sign the form. If you feel comfortable viewing, sharing your child's work (grades will not be posted online), and photos please submit the release form to me. This form will be kept on file until the end of this school year.